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Irfan Wahyudin, Salmah

Judul : A Big Data Architecture to Support Bank Digital Campaign
Abstrak :

Bank marketers still have difficulties to find the best

implementation for credit card promotion using above the line,

particularly based on customers preferences in point of interest

(POI) locations such as mall and shopping center. On the other

hand, customers on those POIs are keen to have recommendation

on what is being offered by the bank. On this paper we propose a

design architecture and implementation of big data platform to

support bank’s credit card’s program campaign that generating

data and extracting topics from Twitter. We built a data pipeline

that consist of a Twitter streamer, a text preprocessor, a topic

extractor using Latent Dirichlet Allocation, and a dashboard that

visualize the recommendation. As a result, we successfully

generate topics that related to specific location in Jakarta during

some time windows, that can be used as a recommendation for

bank marketers to create promotion program for their customers.

We also present the analysis of computing power usages that

indicates the strategy is well implemented on the big data


Tahun : 2018 Media Publikasi : jurnal internasional
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : - / 8 / 2019
ISSN/ISBN : 2277-3878
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : ILMU KOMPUTER
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