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Iyan Irdiyansyah

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This study was intended to study and to analyze the effect of teaching methods and learning motivation on English students’ achievement. To achieve the objective research, the research was conducted to samples of one hundreds and two students Taruna Andigha and YPH Senior High School Bogor West Java. Quasi experimental and two factorial design were used in this research. In addition, questionnaire was used to get the data of learning.

The data were analyzed by applying two way Anova and Tuckey Post Hoc were used to determine its 1% level of significance (a = 0.01). The verification of the hypotheses showed that English achievement of the students taught using cooperative are better than the students

taught using discussion method; English achievement of students with high motivation is higher than   the students with low motivation; and there were an interaction between teaching methods and learning motivation on English achievement.  The results of this research were (1) The students who were given cooperative learning have higher English result score (76.34) than the students who were given discussion method only got (71.23), (2) The students who had high motivation were given cooperative learning got (78.57) better than students who were given discussion method got (71.75), (3) The students who had low motivation and were given cooperative learning got (74.11) better than the students who were given discussion method got (70.71), (4)There was an interaction between teaching method and students’ motivation toward English subject. The result of this research implicated that the cooperative was effective for students’ English  achievement  across different level  of  motivation, therefore, for the improvement of students English achievement, it was suggested that, in teaching English to the students with high motivation, this method could be applied. In addition, this research could be applied also by the teachers for motivation and English achievement development.


Key word: Experiment, Motivation, Teaching Method

Tahun : 2017 Media Publikasi : jurnal nasional blm akreditasi
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : Volume 6 Nomor 2 Tahun 2013 / 6 / 2013
ISSN/ISBN : ISSN No.1693-5799
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INGGRIS
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