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Soewarto Hardhienata, Widodo Sunaryo

Judul : The effect of organizational culture, transformational leadership and work motivation toward teacher performance
Abstrak :

This study was designed to obtain information about the influence of organizational culture, transformational leadership, and work motivation to teachers' performance. The research design employed was survey, with a total sample of 205 respondents. The sampling techniques were proportional random sampling. The results demonstrated that organizational culture (X1) positively influences work motivation (X3), with path coefficient of ρ31 = 0.300 and the significance level (p< 0, 05). Transformational leadership (X2) directly influence work motivation (X3), with the path coefficient of ρ32 = 0.691 and significant at (P< 0, 05). Organizational culture (X1) directly influence teachers performance (X4), with path coefficient of ρ41 = 0.207 and (P<0, 05), transformational leadership (X2) directly influence teachers performance (X4) with path coefficient of 42 = 0.458 and significant at (p< 0, 05). Work motivation (X3) directly influence teachers' performance (X4) with the path coefficient of 43 = 0.352 and the significant at (P< 0, 05).


Keywords: organizational culture, transformational leadership, work motivation, and teacher's performance

Tahun : 2013 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Internasional
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 4 / 4 / 2013
ISSN/ISBN : 537-539
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN
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