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Abstrak :

In allocating fund or investment, an investor either as individual or institution always confronts return and risk. A rational investors will focus their attention to (1) highest return with certain risk or (2) certain risk with low risk. Both conditions represent the optimal investment. One way to reduce risk is by constructing portfolio, because by doing so, the risk can be diversified or spread among securities selected in the portfolio. The principle of  “don’t put your all eggs into one basket” is the basic idea of investors in practicing their investment. One of the model which can be used to determine or analyze securities in order to obtain the optimal portfolio is single index model.

This research is aimed to learn, analyze and conclude: (1) determination of stocks in LQ45 which are selected to construct the optimal portfolio optimal by using single index model; (2) determination of fund allocation, calculate return and risk of optimal portfolio that will be earned by investor from selected stocks in optimal portfolio by using single index mode.

The research concludes: (1) By using single index model procedure which are ERB ratio and cutoff rate, seven stocks are selected to construct the optimal portfolio which include AALI, INCO, CMNP, UNSP, LSIP, SMRA, and BNGA;  (2) The proportion of fund allocation for each stock are as follow: 28,27% in AALI, 16,43% in INCO, 12,04% in CMNP, 13,96% in UNSP, 10,80% in LSIP, 14,35% in SMRA and  4,16% in BNGA. Portfolio return earned by investors if they invested their fund in those seven stocks with the proportion as mentioned earlier is  41,29%. The possible risk that the investors can receive is measured by standard deviation of portfolio which is 1, 52.


Key words :        Single Index Model : Excess Return to Beta, Cutoff Rate, Portfolio Return and Risk..

Tahun : 2009 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Nasional Blm Akreditasi
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 1 / 1 / 2009
ISSN/ISBN : 1410-6132
PTN/S : - Program Studi : MANAJEMEN
Bibliography :



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