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Wildan Fauzi Mubarock

Abstrak :

This research aims at improving students’ ability to write poetry,  through whole language. This study was conducted in Indonesia Language and Letter Education Study Program, Faculty of Teachers Training and Educational Sciencic Pakuan University Bogor at 2014. The instruments used to gather the data are test, questionnnaire,and  classroom observation note. The techniques in analysing the data are both qualitative and quantitative.

The data is analyzed qualitatively by comparing the students’ worksheets in writing the poetry before and after the treatments in each cycle. Then, the finding is supported by the data analyzed quantitatively. The improvement is shown by the result taken from teaching and learning process. The process of teaching and learning to develop students’ ability in witing poetry through whole language is by directing the students to experience the real language exposure.

It is found that there is an improvement on students’ ability in writing poetry. The first data taken from the pre-test showed that the students are in poor criteria (46%). After the treatments in the first cycle, it is revealed that the students go to the fair criteria (61%). It is supported by the product of the students’ poetry. Comparing the result between the pretest and the post test in the first cycle, the improvement is 26%. Surprisingly, there is a significant improvement found in the post test taken from the second cycle. The students’ ability in writing poetry, after the treatments in the second cycle, is in good criteria (81%). Thus, the improvement between the result taken from the first pre-test and the result taken from the second cycle post test is 76%. Meanwhile, the improvement seen from the result of the first cycle post test and the second cycle post test is only 39,6%.


Keywords; whole language, writing poetry

Tahun : 2016 Media Publikasi : jurnal nasional blm akreditasi
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 2 / 8 / 2016
ISSN/ISBN : 24602175
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : PENDIDIKAN GURU SEKOLAH DASAR
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