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Bibin Rubini, Indarini Dwi Pursitasari, Didit Ardianto, Arif Hidayat

Abstrak :

One of the weaknesses of secondary science teachers today is the lack of ability to develop integrated science learning. A descriptive study, followed by a developmental research has been done to determine the factors that caused the weakness, and to find the right solution. In addition, this research involving 25 teachers as subject, has also examined how far the treatment was able to overcome the problems. The descriptive research showed that almost all of the teachers were not skillful enough to teach integrated science. This was due to the teachers’ background, in which not all of them studied the integrated science education. Most of them came from biology, physics and chemistry education. They have actually attended the training (arranged by a government) on integrated science teaching, but it apparently has not succeeded. The eight steps of learning approach has been developed and implemented along the training were: (1) Building common perception on science literacy; (2) integrated science analysis based on current curriculum and lesson analysis; (3) presentation; (4) designing lesson plan in groups; (5) simulation; (6) designing lesson plan individually; (7) evaluation-reflection; and (8) rewards. After the treatment, the teacher’s ability to develop the lesson plans as well as the understanding of integrated science concepts eventually improved much better. Only three teachers have to follow remedial in making lesson plan since they could not meet the requirements

Tahun : 2018 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Internasional
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 7 / 3 / 2018
ISSN/ISBN : 2089-4392
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