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Eneng Tita Tosida, Sufiatul Maryana, Hermawan Thaheer, Okta Hairlangga

Abstrak :
Feasibility assistance for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Indonesia telematics services need to be assessed for compliance. suitability parameters assistance can be seen from the characteristics of MSMEs. Telematics Services MSMEs characteristic data fully available on the National Economic Census data (Susenas). Optimization of  Susenas as the basis for the feasibility study can be done through the implementation of a decision tree approach particularly algorithm J 48. The use ofJ 48  algorithms to determine the feasibility of Indonesian telematics services MSMEs capable of providing an alternative way to describe the characteristics of MSMEs are eligible to receive assistance. This is particularly useful for ministries such as the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, in terms of selecting eligible SMEs are given assistance. Criteria for aid feasibility is based on the general condition of SMEs, access to information technology, economic conditions, partnerships and development plans. Evaluation of the performance of the system showed that the algorithm J 48 is able to achieve an accuracy of 64% on the training data and at 57% on the test data, resulting in a decision rule that representative. The low accuracy is caused by data that is not balanced, so it is a potential for the development of further research involving balancing data.
Tahun : 2017 Media Publikasi : Seminar Internasional
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : - / 12 / 2017
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-60736-7-9
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : ILMU KOMPUTER
Bibliography :


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