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Judul : STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN BATIK BOGOR (Analisis Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Batik Bogor Handayani Geulis)
Abstrak :


         This research aims to determine and identify how the strategy of marketing communication undertaken by Batik Bogor Handayani Geulis in an effort to develop the company and to find out and identify what marketing communication activities conducted by Batik Bogor Handayani Geulis in further developing the company. This research used descriptive qualitative method by observing and analyzing the strategies and marketing communication activities conducted by Batik Bogor Handayani Geulis. The informant in this study is the operational manager and owner of Batik Bogor Handayani Geulis. Data collection techniques used in this research is by using interview, observation and documentation. And for the validity of the data, using triangulation source of the interviews. The results of this research indicate that Batik Bogor Handayani Geulis is one of the batik business home-based that has been a good and effective use of strategy of marketing communication in developing the company and expanding the consumer network to international level as well as the cause and raise awareness of the brand Batik Bogor Handayani Geulis. Implementation strategy of marketing communications Batik Bogor Handayani Geulis by using some of the promotional mix such as personal selling, one way to tell consumers who come to the gallery about the motifs and colors featured on the Batik Bogor Handayani Geulis. Sales promotion, one of them by way of exhibitions, fashion shows, and endorsement by the Mayor of Bogor in promoting Batik Bogor to other areas. Direct marketing through an appeal letter with the help by Dekranasda of Bogor City, and publicity is with through the media that came to the gallery to cover the history and products of Batik Bogor Handayani Geulis. In addition, the most influential and effective in developing the company and increase the number of consumers Batik Bogor Handayani Geulis is to perform activities of marketing communications such as fashion shows, Batik Goes To School, and How To Batik highly effective and influential in developing the company to international level.


Keywords: Strategy of Marketing Communication, Promotional Mix, Batik Bogor

Tahun : 2017 Media Publikasi : jurnal nasional blm akreditasi
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 2 / 1 / 2017
ISSN/ISBN : 25811169
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : ILMU KOMUNIKASI
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