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Purwantiningsih Sugita, Henny Purwaningsih, Muhammad Fathurrahman

Abstrak :

Adsorption of Fe(III) ion by glutaraldehyde cross-linked chitosan (chitosan-GA) has been studied 
by using batch method. The objectives of this research are to determine the optimum adsorption condition 
of Fe(III) ion by chitosan-GA, to study the isothermal, kinetics, and effects of Cu(II) ion for adsorption of 
Fe(III) ion and its application in purifying vetiver oil. The optimum condition is found through response 
surface Box Behnken method. The adsorption isotherm follows Langmuir and Freundlich models. Percent 
adsorption value of Fe(III) ion by Chitosan-GA (DD = 78%) is 92% in optimum conditions, i.e.0.75 g 
adsorbent weight, 25 ºC, and 360 min contact time. The adsorption process of Fe(III) ion by chitosan-GA 
fits into Freundlich and pseudo second-order models. The existence of Cu(II) ions is able to decrease the 
percent adsorption value of Fe(III) ion by chitosan-GA. Percent adsorption of Fe(III) ion by chitosan-GA 
is higher than that of Cu(II) ion at all conditions. Percent adsorption of Fe(III) and Cu(II) ion by chitosan-
GA in vetiver oil is lower than other conditions (solution of Fe(III)  and Cu(II)  ion with its concentration ratio 
of 1:1). 

Key words: Adsorption, Chitosan-glutaraldehyde, Fe(III) ion, Vetiver oil. 

Tahun : 2015 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Internasional
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 4 / 13 / 2015
ISSN/ISBN : 0972-768X
PTN/S : Institut Pertanian Bogor Program Studi : KIMIA
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