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Detail Karya Ilmiah Dosen

Eneng Tita Tosida, Apri Diana Sanurbi, Atik Wartini

Judul : Optimization of Indonesian Telematic SMEs Cluster : Industry 4.0 Challenge
Abstrak :

Abstract. Indonesia’s economic are strengthened by 99% of SME players, and one of the growing field of Indonesia’s SMEs is telematics SMEs. Increasing SMEs Telematics Services in Indonesia is a potential, that must be supported to have a competitive value, especially in facing Industrial 4.0. But there are many difficulties in determining the decision to provide assistance to SMEs who really need. One of the causes is the number of data and the qualification standard to decide the feasibility of SMEs to be given assistance. The puposeof  this research is to explain the optimization process of the formation of the Indonesian telematic SMEs cluster, which are potential to be given assistance, and to face the challenges of Industrial 4.0. The cluster optimization process is carried out by Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) and Fuzzy C-Means (FCM). The data used is the data of SMEs Telematics Services in Indonesia according to the National Economic Census (Susenas) data in 2006 Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). The 2006 data usage is caused by the Susenas 2016 not yet released by Indonesian CBS. Even though the data used comes from Susenas 2006, it is still relevant to be analyzed and mapped into the current conditions. The cluster of Indonesian telematic SMEs was validated using SilhoutteCoeffisient which resulted in a value of upper then 0.99. The validation values of the two clustering techniques show a very strong cluster structure.

Tahun : 2018 Media Publikasi : Seminar Internasional
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : 1 / 7 / 2018
PTN/S : Konsorsium ICOGOIA Program Studi : ILMU KOMPUTER
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  1. DRPM RistekDikti, as the main sponsor, which gives us Competitive Grants Scheme
  2. Computer Science Department, Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, PakuanUniversity,and Research Institute Pakuan University, for supporting, coordinating and facilitating to achieve this grants.
  3. Indonesian Communication & Information Ministry, Indonesian Cooperation and SMEs Ministry and Bandung Technopark for active participation in the activities of interviews anduser requirement.





