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Eneng Tita Tosida, Prihastuti Harsani, Hermawan, Sri Setyaningsih

Judul : Classification Models of Information Technology Services Bussiness in Indonesia
Abstrak :

Abstract   - A shiftin the development of industries, from manufacturing to business services has been affecting the telematic sindustry. Business improvement area of telematics services in the world and the wide spread liberalization efforts have resulted in Indonesia's readiness to face any competition, one of the steps that need to be done is to develop the field of telematics services business classification. This is important because the classification model of the existing telematics service businessis not yet completed and detailed. Classification  models based  on  comparative methods and expert acquisition models. Initial basic model development was came from the DocumentMTN.GNS/W/120, because  it  is associated   with   the   preparation    of   Indonesia towards the liberalization of the field of telematics. Model classification resulted in three main areas of business IT services namely Business Services, Communication Services and  Education  Services. These areas has sub-fields and the details revealed by   following a  structured  systematic numbering, follows the  numbering  system KBLI. IT services business market in Indonesia is still dominated by the service system infrastructure  for software category  with the market performance  of 46.3%, while  the  services  segment  dominated  by    the service implementation by 40.56%. The over all rate of growth of the IT services business in Indonesia grew by 15.8% in   2010.

Tahun : 2012 Media Publikasi : Prosiding
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : 1 / - / 2012
PTN/S : Univ Alazhar Program Studi : ILMU KOMPUTER
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