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Rural areas in Indonesia are dominated by agricultural work. Ninety percent of people in rural area are depending their livelihood to agricultural work like paddy farming, upland farming, and plantation. Agriculture sector become one of the potential sector that contribute to Indonesia’s national income. Despite of its positive contribution, agricultural sector in Indonesia now is facing major problem. There is no social reproduction in agricultural work. Most of agricultural workers are categorized as old farmers with 55 years old average age. There are some factors influencing rural – youth migration to non-agricultural sector: Landless owning, low income, and image. This research general objective is to find out the reality behind rural – youth massive migration from micro level perspective, while most of researches are trying to determine the migration factors from economic point of view, this research is trying to widening the perspective in understanding the rural-youth migration by explain it from micro level (parental interaction and television exposure). This research reveals that parents and television are responsible for the destruction of agricultural image. Television tends to share negative information related to agricultural sector, e.g. low price in agricultural product, severe drought, crop failure and rural poverty are most remembered information by the rural - youth. These negative information have influencing the agricultural image in rural – youth point of view towards future in agriculture. Rural youth who migrate from agricultural tend to see that television is sharing negatives information. Other than television, agricultural image is also destructed by family communication, especially by parents. This research finds out that parents, especially father, tend to share negative information about agricultural sector such as: crop failure, high price in seeds, pesticide, labor, and difficulties in finding market, low price from the local buyers/middle man. This information is institutionalized in rural-youth life by years. Parents and television are considered as primary agent that playing an important role in constructing and deconstructing reality for youth.

Keywords: television, parents, agriculture work, youth migration, image destruction


Tahun : 2017 Media Publikasi : jurnal nasional blm akreditasi
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 1 / 1 / 2017-2018
ISSN/ISBN : 2581-1169
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : ILMU KOMUNIKASI
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