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Nancy Yusnita, Meylinda Melyiatama, Towaf Totok Irawan

Judul : The Effect of Work Environment on Performance through Job Satisfaction
Abstrak :

Human Resources is an important factor in an organization or company. In
order for management activities to run well, companies must have employees who are
knowledgeable and highly skilled and try to manage the company as optimally as
possible so that employee performance can increase. This study aims to find efforts to
improve employee performance and find out how much influence the work environment 
has on employee performance through job satisfaction. This research is a quantitative 
research, survey approach using questionnaires with path analysis techniques, with 55
respondents from the production employees of PT Namura Tehnik Sejahtera. The results
of the study show that the work environment has a direct positive effect on employee
performance, job satisfaction has a positive direct effect on performance employees, the
work environment has a positive effect on job satisfaction, and the work environment has
a positive indirect effect on employee performance through job satisfaction. In this study it
was found that the intervening variable (job satisfaction) plays an effective role as a
mediator between the work environment and employee performance.


Tahun : 2023 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi A
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 01 / 08 / 2023
ISSN/ISBN : ISSN: 2527-4317
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : MANAJEMEN
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