Abstrak |
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The objective of research is to find out the efectivenes of metacognitive Preview, Question,
Read, Reflect, Recite, Review (PQ4R) strategy based reading learning model to improve SMP
students’ reading ability. The method applied in this study is research and development by using
both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The research result shows that the ideal learning
model needed by the students is metacognitive PQ4R strategy based reading learning model.
Structurally, this learning model is viable, relevant, and suitable with the principles of learning
model development, both from substantial view and the structural model. Based on the trial
result with experimental research design (experimental and control groups), metacognitive
PQ4R strategy based reading learning model is effective to be used to improve SMP students’
reading ability. Even the learning outcome is better than the reading class done by the teacher
who does not use metacognitive PQ4R strategy. learning metacognitive reading strategies
based PQ4R junior high school students are more effective than learning to read that teachers
without the use of metacognitive strategies PQ4R with the calculation results of test of 5.975 t
test is greater than t table 1.67. So it can be concluded that the learning model based reading
metacognitive strategies PQ4R effective and fit for use in secondary schools.
Keywords: instructional models; PQ4R metacognitive strategies; reading skills.
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