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Indarini Dwi Pursitasari, Bibin Rubini, Fikri Zauharul Firdaus

Judul : Feasibility of eco-literacy-based interactive teaching material to pro- mote critical thinking skills
Abstrak :

Students’ ccritical thinking skills and awareness of the environment are low. One of the efforts to improve this is through the development of eco-literacy-based interactive teaching materials (EITM). This study aims to test the feasibility of EITM to enhance students' critical thinking skills. The EITM feasibility test was conducted by two content experts and two media experts and involved 18 science teachers and the participation of junior high school students. After the teaching materials were revised, they were then tested on 50 students to measure their subsequent critical thinking skills.  The results of the expert assessments were determined by percentages and categorized, the teacher assessments were calculated by CVR and CVI, and the acceptance data were analysed descriptively and quantitatively. The results of the feasibility test show that EITM has a valid category. Therefore, they can be used in science learning to promote critical thinking skills.        

Tahun : 2022 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Internasional
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 6 / 17 / 2022
ISSN/ISBN : 1305-905X
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : PENDIDIKAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM
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