Repository Universitas Pakuan

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Indarti Komala Dewi, Ruslan Fauzi, M. Yogie Syahbandar

Judul : Threat of landslides hazard at the core zone of Cultural Conservation Strategic Area of Gunung Padang megalithic site, in Cianjur District
Abstrak :

The megalithic site of Gunung Padang is an area prone to landslides. Based on the Regulation of Cianjur District No. 17 of
2012, this site area is designated as a Cultural Conservation Strategic Area. This study aims to analyze the potential for landslide
hazards in the Gunung Padang Megalithic Site area. The research method is quantitative. Primary data was collected through
observation and interview experts; secondary data was collected through literature studies and agency surveys. The analytical
method used is quantitative through analysis of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), with overlay and weighting techniques.
The results showed three landslide susceptibility classifications: very high, medium, and very low. A very high level of landslide
hazard is found in the area around the site, which is currently exposed, amounting to 9.03% of the core zone of the Cultural
Conservation Strategic Area.

Keywords: Cultural conservation, landslides, strategic area

Tahun : 2022 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Nasional Blm Akreditasi
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 2 / 3 / 2022
ISSN/ISBN : P - ISSN: 2722 - 0133 E - ISSN: 2722 - 0141
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : PERENCANAAN WILAYAH & KOTA
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