Repository Universitas Pakuan

Detail Karya Ilmiah Dosen

Erik Meijaard, Douglas Sheil, Julie Sherman, Liana Chua, Safwanah Ni'matullah, Kerrie Wilson, Marc Ancrenaz, Darmawan Liswanto, Serge A, Wich, Benoit Goossens, Hjalmar S. Kühl, Maria Voigt, Yaya Rayadin, Yuyun Kurniawan , Agus Trianto , Dolly Priatna, Graham L. Banes, Emily Massingham, John Payne And Andrew J. Marshall

Judul : Restoring the orangutan in a Whole- or Half-Earth context
Abstrak :

Various global-scale proposals exist to reduce the loss of biological diversity. These include the Half-Earth and Whole-Earth visions that respectively seek to set aside half the planet for wildlife conservation or to diversify conservation practices fundamentally and change the economic systems that determine environmental harm. Here we assess these visions in the specific context of Bornean orangutans Pongo pygmaeus and their conservation. Using an expert-led process we explored three scenarios over a 10-year time frame: continuation of Current Conditions, a Half-Earth approach and a Whole-Earth approach. In addition, we examined a 100-year population recovery scenario assuming 0% offtake of Bornean orangutans. Current Conditions were predicted to result in a population c. 73% of its current size by 2032. Half-Earth was judged comparatively easy to achieve and predicted to result in an orangutan population of c. 87% of its current size by 2032. Whole-Earth was anticipated to lead to greater forest loss and ape killing, resulting in a prediction of c. 44% of the current orangutan population for 2032. Finally, under the recovery scenario, populations could be c. 148% of their current size by 2122. Although we acknowledge uncertainties in all of these predictions, we conclude that the Half-Earth and Whole-Earth visions operate along different timelines, with the implementation of Whole-Earth requiring too much time to benefit orangutans. None of the theorized proposals provided a complete solution, so drawing elements from each will be required. We provide recommendations for equitable outcomes.

Tahun : 2022 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Internasional
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 2 / 12 / 2022
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