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Resyi A Gani, Rina Rosdiana

Judul : Pedagogia
Abstrak :


Writing skills are skills that must be possessed by students, because this capability is the ability to be productive that students have and develop. The ability to write an expository essay description and essay writing an impressionistic description of the material in the course of popular science writing skills that must be mastered students. Therefore, the mastery of this material be the basis for the development of the ability to write more. High ability students are expected to master. To determine students' learning outcomes and activities as well as good learning process required election deemed appropriate learning techniques, we conducted the development of learning to use the master copy techniques to students of the fifth semester Language Study Program and Literature Indonesia. Data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative. Learning outcomes in the matter of writing a description of an expository essay shows the acquisition of good learning outcomes, namely 75, 45%. On learning with essay writing material impressionistic descriptions on average 79.13% of learning outcomes. In addition, the use of language that utilizes the data usage and pengimajian figure of speech and a 100% use of imaging. Presentation of the most powerful use of imagery is the vision of 100%. Hearing 50%, 50% sensitive feeler 65%, olfactory 50%, it also showed the ability of writing a description has been utilizing the use of language to reinforce the writing of the essay that description. Another thing to mention is the suitability of the posts with the chosen model has revealed that the structure of writing, the concept and style of presentation has been relevant to the chosen model. The results of this study correlate well with data from the results of questionnaires and interviews. The positive response of students in the learning of the students showed a 100% interest, easy to understand, motivated, encourage cooperation, responsibility and independent, the media used an interesting, fun and learning. Meanwhile 95.65% of teaching materials easy to understand and appropriate evaluation, the MFI can stimulate learning 91.30%. This suggests that learning to copy the master's technique is more fun, the material easier to understand, more effective and memorable.


Keywords: Writing Skills, Paragraph, Description, Expository, Impressionistic Description

Tahun : 2016 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Nasional Blm Akreditasi
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 2 / 8 / 2016
ISSN/ISBN : 1693-5799
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : PENDIDIKAN GURU SEKOLAH DASAR
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