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Ni Made Widisanti Swetasurya

Judul : Representasi Poligami dalam Film Berbagi Suami Kajian terhadap Tiga Tokoh Sentral Perempuan
Abstrak :

Polygamy is considered a very sensitive issue but always interesting to be discussed and even
to be debated because the results frequently lead to pro and contra attitudes. Based on this,
the representation of polygamy in the film Berbagi Suami (Love for Share) (2006) was raised
as a topic in this article with a focus on the problem of how polygamy is represented and
what kind of polygamy discourse is built in this film based on the review on three female
central characters. The aim is to demonstrate the form and discourse of polygamy through
Hall's theory of representation and Foucault's discourse concept using descriptive analysis
methods and Gillian Rose's visual methodology. The results of the analysis show that in the
film Berbagi Suami (Love for Share) (2006), polygamy is represented as a marriage system
that can be practiced by anyone from any group, but still with all kinds of consequences that
go with it because polygamous marriage is not an easy marriage to live with, especially for
women who are still represented as victims, both physiologically, psychologically and
sociologically, which is shown by the impacts obtained from polygamous marriages such as
economic hardship, not getting justice, tiring physiological conditions for women in
particular and their families in general due to the large number of children that they must bear
and financially support if they do not have an established economic condition, including
social labeling. Therefore, it can be said that the discourse on polygamy in this film is that
polygamy is still seen as a concept of marriage which is complex and tends to harm women.
Key words : Polygamy, central characters, women, representation

Tahun : 2021 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Nasional Blm Akreditasi
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 1 / 27 / 2021
ISSN/ISBN : 0853-5876/2622-4356
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : BAHASA & SASTRA INGGRIS
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