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Dadan Ramdani, Yadi Aryadi, Bayu Triyogo Widyantoro

Abstrak :

The history of commercial agriculture was developed due to the growth of agricultural area within
the urban fringe to support urban social activities since the green revolution era. The agriculture history also proves
that the urban fringe are used to be the agriculture center as Von Thune theory stated. However, the massive
urbanization has changed the agriculture lands to suburban area as part of urban development. Therefore, how far
the development of the urban will affect the agriculture lands and its support for urban food self-sufficiency has to
be studied beforehand. This study aims to assess the impact of urban development to the nearby agriculture sector.
In this case, remote sensing data may assist to provide the spatial information of the trend and the area of agriculture
change nearby. The method for this study was employing change detection method for remote sensing data to assess
the land use change of the suburban area. The EOP (effect on Production) method was also employed to assess the
economic loss of the agriculture area nearby the urban and so does the simple statistic data analysis. Using the
Jakarta as the study area, the study indicates that the remote sensing data can be used for food security management
analysis and assess the impact of agricultural land conversion. The Agricultural land conversion may have an impact
in the availability of the food stock, increasing the monetary for imported food, decreasing the income of local
farmers, increasing the labor needs in other sectors rather ten agriculture and decreasing the passion of people to
work in the agriculture sectors.

Tahun : 2015 Media Publikasi : Prosiding
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : ACRS2015 / 1 / 2016
ISSN/ISBN : 978-1-5108-1721-0
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : TEKNIK GEODESI
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