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Detail Karya Ilmiah Dosen

Usman Hakim, Sri Setyaningsih, Eka Suhardi, Billy Tunas, Muhamad Riyad

Abstrak :

This research was conducted in an effort to improve teacher performance by conducting research on variables related to improving
teacher performance. The related variables are organizational climate, servant leadership and compensation.
This research is a correlational study to determine whether the variables of organizational climate, servant leadership and
compensation can improve teacher performance. The SITOREM method is used to determine the order of priority and
recommendations for improvements that need to be done.
The study population was 408 public elementary school teachers in Bekasi City. The research sample was 202 respondents who
were determined by the Slovin formula. Sampling was done by means of multistage random sampling.
This study aims to: (1) identify efforts to strengthen organizational climate to improve teacher performance, (2) identify efforts to
strengthen servant leadership to improve teacher performance, (3) identify efforts to strengthen compensation to improve teacher
performance, (4) identify efforts to strengthen compensation to improve teacher performance. efforts to strengthen climate
organization and servant leadership together to improve teacher performance, (5) know efforts to strengthen servant leadership
and compensation together to improve teacher performance, (6) know efforts to strengthen organizational climate and
compensation together to improve teacher performance, and ( 7) know the efforts to strengthen the organizational climate, servant
leadership and compensation together to improve teacher performance.
The results of quantitative research found that all independent variables can improve teacher performance. According to
the order of the strength of the strongest correlation, namely servant leadership (ryx2) 2 = 0.6336, organizational climate (ryx1) 2
= 0.5520, and compensation (ryx3) 2 = 0.5446. Consistent with this quantitative analysis, the results of qualitative data analysis
also show that teacher performance can be improved through strengthening organizational climate, servant leadership and
The results of the SITOREM analysis show that the components of teacher performance, organizational climate, servant
leadership and compensation. Organizational climate and compensation components that require improvement are: (1) Tolerance;
(2) Policy; (3) Constraints; (4) Work environment. Meanwhile, the components that need to be maintained and improved include:
(1) Learning media; (2) Methods; (3) Results of training; (4) Work complexity; (5) Teacher duties; (6) Responsibility; (7)
Communication; (8) Self-motivation; (9) Conflict; (10) Management; (11) Challenge; (12) Feelings; (13) Listening; (14) Serving;
(15) Emotion; (16) Healing; (17) Consciousness; (18) Empathy; (19) Empowerment; (20) Conceptual; (21) Commitment; (22)
Communication; (23) Basic payment; (24) Protection program.


Tahun : 2020 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Internasional
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 9 / 57 / 2020
ISSN/ISBN : 1553-6939
PTN/S : universitas pakuan Program Studi : MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN
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