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Didik Notosudjono, Hazairin Samaulah, Muhamad Hudan Nopriansyah, Bagus Dwi Ramadhon, Dimas Bangun Fiddiansyah, Asri

Judul : Solar Power Plant Tracker Upgrade and MPPT Control with Internet of Things
Abstrak :

To maximize sunlight absorption by forming a perpendicular axis between the sun and the solar panel. A method which could be implemented on the solar panel system that could follow the sun’s movement is needed. On this design, the system uses a light diode sensor (LDR) that functions as the light detector, an Atmega238P-PU microcontroller as the command logic storage, and a servo motor as a mover to dislocate the position of the solar panel with Internet of Things (IoT). In the solar panel test which runs for 11 hours using the dual-axis solar panel tracker has yield a power of 9.4 W and after passing the MPPT control battery, it gives an average of 10.6 W. Compared to using a static solar panel method, it only yields a power of 6.8 Watt, and after passing the MPPT control battery, it gives an average power of 9.25 W.

Tahun : 2020 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Nasional Blm Akreditasi
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : - / - / 2020
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : TEKNIK ELEKTRO
Bibliography :

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Definition of IoT. IEEE-IoT Community. [Online]. Available: /about.html, accessed: 2015.03.18



