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Didik Notosudjono, Dede Suhendi, Engkos, Bagus Dwi Ramadhon

Judul : Evaluation Study of Waste Materials for Renewable Energy through 3R Model in Bogor City
Abstrak :

Waste is one the critical issues in Indonesia which can pose a badly influence both to human’s health and nature preservation if it is not properly managed for productive use. Hence, the increasing production in municipal waste is directly proportional to the increasing number of population, in which raises the waste production in big cities in Indonesia, such as in Bogor. In Bogor, a waste processing facility (TPS) using biogas for renewable energy has been developed. The volume of wastes in Bogor at the year of 2016 has reached 2.734,03 m³ per day. There are 12 locations for waste processing facility with the TPS 3R (Reduce, Re-use and Recycle) model but there are only 3 locations that uses biogas for Renewable Energy. 3 of these biogas-based waste processing facilities can be found in the region of Taruna, Ceremai, and Dharmais. The wastes' capacity of each regions (Taruna, Ceremai, and Dharmais) consecutively is 3.300 kg, 2.400 kg, and 2.520 kg with the number of organic materials that are being processed into biogas for renewable energy is 85 kg, 85 kg, and 55 kg. 

Tahun : 2017 Media Publikasi : Prosiding
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : - / - / 2017
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : TEKNIK ELEKTRO
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