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Dzul Qarnaen Darma , Didik Notosudjono, Herfina

Judul : Strengthening Teamwork, Visionary Leadership and Self Effication in Efforts to Improve Teachers Creativity
Abstrak :

Smartphone in the 21st century is a digitally enhanced device and interface carrying a compressed operating system of its own and This study aims to find strategies and ways to increase teacher creativity to be used as input and recommendations to related parties, namely the Principal and Teachers. This is done by examining the strength of the relationship between teacher creativity and teamwork, visionary leadership and self-efficacy. The research method used is a causal survey method with correlation techniques. The empirical data to be collected consists of three independent variables, namely teamwork (X1), visionary leadership (X2) and self-efficacy (X3) with the dependent variable, namely teacher creativity (Y). Data in the field were obtained using a measuring instrument (instrument) in the form of a questionnaire which was arranged based on the indicators contained in the research variables. Based on the research results of empirical studies using a correlational approach and SITOREM analysis through data processing, statistical calculations, hypothesis testing and discussion of research results followed by contribution analysis, indicator analysis, indicator weight analysis by experts and analysis of indicator classification determination, it can be concluded that things as follows: There is a positive and very significant relationship between teamwork and teacher creativity (ry1) of 0.756. Thus, the higher the teamwork, the higher the teacher's creativity is predicted. There is a positive and very significant relationship between visionary leadership and teacher creativity (ry2) of 0.729. Thus, the higher the visionary leadership, the higher the teacher's creativity is predicted. There is a positive and very significant relationship between selfefficacy and teacher creativity (ry3) of 0.772. Thus, the higher the self-efficacy, the higher the teacher's creativity is predicted. There is a positive and very significant relationship between teamwork and visionary leadership together with teacher creativity. (ry12) of 0.820. Thus, the higher the teamwork and visionary leadership, the higher the teacher's creativity is predicted. There is a positive and very significant relationship between teamwork and self-efficacy together with teacher creativity (ry13) of 0.849. Thus, the higher the teamwork and self-efficacy, the higher the teacher's creativity is predicted. There is a positive and very significant relationship between visionary leadership and self-efficacy together with teacher creativity. (ry23) of 0.820. Thus the higher the visionary leadership and self-efficacy, the higher the teacher's creativity is predicted. There is a positive and very significant relationship between teamwork, visionary leadership and self-efficacy together with teacher creativity (ry123) of 0.868. Thus, the higher the teamwork, visionary leadership, and self-efficacy, the higher the teacher's creativity is predicted.

Tahun : 2020 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Internasional
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 4 / 58 / 2021
ISSN/ISBN : 1553-6939
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN
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