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Judul : ANALISIS KOMITMEN TERHADAP PROFESI DITINJAU DARI KEPEMIMPINAN TRANSFORMASIONAL DAN EFIKASI DIRI Studi pada Penyuluh Pertanian di Kabupaten Bogor (Penelitian Metode Kombinasi Sequential Explanatory Design)
Abstrak :



The objective of this study to exime Relation among transformasional leadership and Self Efficacy with  professional  commitment  individually  or  jointly.  Transformasional  leadership  and  self efficacy as thje independent variable and professional commitment as the dependent variable. The research was conducted on 180 agricultural extension agent which were selected by proporsional random sampling of 12 BP3K in Bogor District, Wes Java; meanwhile the hypothesis test is conducted on 0.05 significance level.


Research using sequential explanatory design (mix method). The findings are positive relationship and strenghtened by the result of qualitative reserach: 1). Transformational leadership on professional commitment with coefficient correlation ry1 = 0,328 and the regresion equation Ŷ =

98,446 + 0,213X1. 2). Self Efficacy   with coefficient correlation ry2  = 0,5 and the regresion

equation Ŷ = 60,778 + 0,514X2    3). Transformational leadership and self efficacy together to

professional commitment with  coefficient correlation 0,549 and the regression equation Ŷ =

54,441 + 0,101X1 + 0,458X2 4). Domination relation or correlation to self efficacy than transformasional  leadership  to  professional  commitment  with  coefficient  correlation  of  self efficacy   ry2  = 0,53 than coefficient correlation ry1  = 0,328. 5) Another factor   that effect or relation the variable professional commitment are : a). work environment b). Organization culture c). Professional competence.


Keywords: Transformasional leadership, Self efficacy and Professional commitment.


Tahun : 2016 Media Publikasi : Prosiding
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : - / - / 2016
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : PENDIDIKAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM
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