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Surti Kurniasih, Dina Dyah Saputri, Ninawati Dewi

Judul : The Inventory of Medicinal Plants Used by Kasepuhan Cibedug Banten as Encyclopedia-Based Learning Material
Abstrak :

Abstract—Medicinal plants are natural ingredients that have been traditionally used for treatment based on experience. The aims of this study were to know the species and the parts of medicinal plants, as well as to understand how to obtain the medicinal plants and the processing technique of the medicinal plants. The methods used in this research were descriptive and explorative methods. The data was collected by purposive and snowball sampling with interview and direct observation. The result showed that twenty-nine medicine plants from twenty families. The most dominant family of medicinal plants was Zingiberaceae, with four species. The most used part of all medicinal plants were the leaf, only one plant which flower used as medicine. In general, processing technique of medicinal plants was boiling, seventeen medicinal plants with thetotal of percentage 56.68 percent. However, other processing technique also been used which were dropping, boiling, pounding, pressing, and smoothing with percentage of each processing technique was 3.33 percent. The outcome of the medicinal plants inventory is an encyclopedia that can be used as learning resources. Based on an expert validity results, it was concluded that the encyclopedia developed is suitable and adequate to be used as learning resources. Keywords—encyclopedia, inventory, learning material, indigenous medicinal plants

Tahun : 2021 Media Publikasi : Prosiding
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : 1 / 566 / 2021
ISSN/ISBN : 2352-5398
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : PENDIDIKAN BIOLOGI
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