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Nurlinda Safitri, Fitri Anjaswuri, Fitri Siti Sundari, Yudhie Suchyadi

Judul : The Application of Cooperative Script Model in Social Studies Learning in FourthGrade Gunung Gede Elementary School Bogor Utara, West Java
Abstrak :

This research was conducted using the Classroom Action Research (CAR). In the implementation of research activities carried out through two cycles at different times vulnerable. The purpose of this study was to improve social studies learning outcomes in elementary schools using a cooperative script model on the Nation Cultural Diversity sub-theme applied to students in class IV C of Gunung Gede Elementary School in North Bogor District, Bogor City, consisting of 30 students. This research was conducted in the Odd Semester of the Academic Year 2020/2021. The results of this study indicate that the average value of completeness of learning outcomes in cycle 1 is 80 out of the total of 30 students in class IV C. The learning media used in cycle 1 is the popup book 20 students have achieved mastery scores above the average in learning with a percentage of 67%. While those who have not reached the above-average completeness are 10 students with a percentage of 33%. If the classical completeness is calculated in cycle 1 with KKM 70, then the classical completeness results will be obtained by 73%. Different learning media are used in cycle 2 using hand puppets. Cycle 2 obtained an average value of 92. Then the data obtained by students who have reached the completeness of the value above the average of 21 people with a percentage of 70%. While students who have not reached the completeness of the value above the average of 9 students with a percentage of 30%. If the classical completeness is calculated in cycle 2 with standart 70, then the classical completeness is equal to 92%. The difference between the two classical cycles is 19%. Based on the above results it can be concluded that the cooperative script model is an effective model to be used in this study. Besides, the use of cooperative script learning models can improve social studies learning outcomes from assessment cycle 1 to cycle 2.

Tahun : 2021 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Internasional
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 10.18415 / 8 / 2021
ISSN/ISBN : ISSN 2364-5369
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : PENDIDIKAN GURU SEKOLAH DASAR
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