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Hamzah, Hamzah, Sasongko, Hendro, Arif Imam Suroso

Judul : An Early Warning System in The Drinking Water System
Abstrak :

The research objectives are to determine the critical factor parameters in the early warning system for drinking water companies using the Green Business Continuity Management (GBCM) approach and to design an early warning system model. This research uses a systems approach, which is a decision support system by involving experts in drinking water companies. The analytical method used is a fuzzy inference system (FIS) with four input variables in the GBCM indicator, namely recovery time objective (RTO), the maximum tolerable period of disruption (MTPD), recovery point objective (RPO) and resource availability. The results of this study found that the scale of the RTO of an event must be overcome in 4-8 hours, the MTPD criteria, RPO as a description of the condition of how much drinking water services are able to be secured and backup at the disruption, if the incident that needs to be recovered is small, only around 5% (safe> 95%) then the disturbance is still in the event category or condition is still secure> 90%, then the incident and availability of resources are categorized if still available above 90%, then the event is still in safe. This study also found the criteria and categories of events (events, incidents, crisis, disaster). Based on the four GBCM indicators with the FIS method produces 256 rule base "IF-THEN" to determine the level of crisis and produce an early warning system simulation model for the decision-making status of the drinking water crisis.

Tahun : 2021 Media Publikasi : Prosiding
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : 1 / 1 / 2020
ISSN/ISBN : 978-1-63190-299-4
PTN/S : Pribadi Program Studi : ILMU MANAJEMEN
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