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Mustaqim, Agus Satory

Judul : Polygamy Marriage Law Without Court Permits in Indonesia
Abstrak :


There have been many rules regarding polygamy, but in reality there are still many problemscaused by polygamy, both the process in executing the polygamy and the situation after polygamy is implementedor not implemented.The rejection of a request for polygamy will have a special effect on the perpetrators of polygamy. There have been many responses from the community about the rampant polygamy carried out by community leaders so far.With this writing, it is expected that various responses from the community about the prevalence of polygamy carried out by community leaders can also be seen andwhat legal consequences will arise from the application for polygamy rejected by the religious court of Semarang Regency.By using the empirical juridical approach it is expected to be able to solve problems in research by examining secondary data first to be linked with data in the field.By conducting this research, we will be able to understand things about polygamy and know the consequences that will arise if a polygamy request is rejected by the Court. Therefore it can be concluded that in essence polygamy carried out by anyone is not a problem as long as the perpetrators of polygamy can fulfill the reasons and conditions for polygamy and the legal consequences of rejecting the request for polygamy are the applicants for polygamy continue to carry out a polygamy marriage with a siri marriage or an underhand marriage.

Keywords: Legal Consequences, Polygamy, Court

Tahun : 2020 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Internasional
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 7 / 17 / 2020
ISSN/ISBN : 1567-214x
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : ILMU HUKUM
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