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Indarti Komala Dewi

Judul : Vulnerability and Adaptability of Traditional Community in Facing of Disaster(Case Study : Naga Village in Tasikmalaya District)
Abstrak :


Tasikmalaya is a district with the highest vulnerability index in Indonesia. Naga Village is one of the traditional village in Tasikmalaya  District. Until now, the communities of Naga village have been able to adapt to the hazard that threat them.   It is thought to be related to the traditional wisdom that belongs to the community in adapting to the natural conditions of the disaster prone. The aims of the study are  identified the level of physicaland environmental  vulnerability of disaster in Naga Village and;  identified  the  adaptability of  Naga  Village community in disaster risk reduction.  Analysis  used descriptive  qualitative method, with the tringulasi approach to documents, interviews and field observations.  Based on the analysis, the level of physical vulnerability of Naga village  is relatively high. While adaptability of communities of Naga village in disaster risk reduction  is indicated in environmental management, building and infrastructure. Conclusion, communities of Naga village have adaptability to the environmental and physical vulnerabilities  through the  traditional wisdom.

Keyword : Traditional wisdom, vulnerability, adaptability


Tahun : 2015 Media Publikasi : Seminar Internasional
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : - / - / 2015
ISSN/ISBN : ISBN :978-602-14437-7-4
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : PERENCANAAN WILAYAH & KOTA
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