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Muhammad Sehabbudin, Aan Dianto, Luki Subehi, Singgih Irianto TH

Judul : Characteristic aquifer in volcanic terrains: case study at Caldera Lake Maninjau, West Sumatera - Indonesia
Abstrak :

Lake Maninjau is a caldera lake with volcano-tectonic type. Lake Maninjau composed of andesit  and  tuff  formation.  The  existence  of  water  was  sourced  by  rain  and  ground  water.  The aquifer units consist of local productive aquifers and rare ground water aquifer. The purpose of this research is to know the characteristic of aquifer in volcanic terrains support water stability in lake. Geoelectric measurements with Wenner configuration were obtained to know subsurface resistivity which  a  device  used  were  IRES  T300f,  used  RES2DINV  software.  The  results  showed  that characteristic  of  aquifer  divided  into  two  areas,  rare  aquifer  and  productive  aquifer.  Productive aquifer with average 21.2 – 213 ohm meter, located at Tanjung Sani (elevation 462 m) had similar with  Batang  River  (elevation  701  m).  Rare  aquifer  with  average  value  48.4  –  436  ohm  meter located at Hamka School (elevation 632 m) and Lawang Park with (elevation 1,294 m). The results of geoelectric reconstruction revealed that volcanic terrains around Lake Maninjau were dominated by rare groundwater aquifer, where capable to keep groundwater in small volume. Further, Fault with northwest – southeast as the general direction were considered to drain water through volcanic terrains. 

Tahun : 2019 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Internasional
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 311 (2019) 012029 / 10.1088/1755-1315/311/1/012029 / 2019
ISSN/ISBN : 311 012029
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : TEKNIK GEOLOGI
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