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Sri Rahayu, Rina Rosdiana, Parsini

Judul : Penerapan Teknik Copy The Master dalam Pembelajaran Cerita Fantasi Berbasis Kolaboratif learning di SMPN 3 Bogor
Abstrak :


Creative writing was taught in Indonesian language learning at school. One text that must be mastered by students is fantasy story. In addition, the development of learning is expected to lead a critical, creative, collaborative and communicative thinking. In this study a collaborative model and creativity in writing was developed through the application of The Master’s Copy. The purpose of this study is to find out the development of collaborative ideas  through the application of The Master Copy technique in writing fantasy stories at SMPN 3 Bogor. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative. The research sample were students of Class VII E who will be a grouping model in the discussion. The group consists of four people which is divided into two separate group who made a fantasy story text together. So there are two stories in one group. The production of each story is communicated in the group. They can share and get insight from his friends. The results of this research are patterns of collaboration two-four which can stimulate students to write fantasy story texts in applying the Master’s Copy technique. One model text is made a master. The students develop their ideas by conducting a collection of one of the fantasy story texts entitled "Lake Zang Do White Ape". The result is the development of ideas in writing orientation, the accuracy of the development of ideas in writing complications, and the accuracy of development in writing resolutions. Students are able to develop ideas by changing the characters of fantasy stories, events, background stories, complications of fantasy stories and resolutions. Its collaborative application makes students stimulated critical thinking activities, and exchanges ideas in stories in turn.


Keywords: fantasy stories, collaborative, The Master Copy techniques, orientation, complications, resolution

Tahun : 2018 Media Publikasi : Prosiding
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : 1 / 1 / 2018
ISSN/ISBN : 978-623-90058-2-5
Bibliography :



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