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Judul : Analisis Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Serta Dampaknya Pada Kinerja Pegawai
Abstrak :

TIte aim of this research explain the relationships and the influence of several
variables that have been ^flned.Data analysis techniques using Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM) to describe the relationship with the latent variable
indicators (measurement model) and to describe relationships between variables
latent (structural model).Distributing questionnaires conducted with stratified
random sampling method. A population of 238 respondents with a defined
sample 149 rcspondents.The results of the analysis of this data showed that,
overall test model fit was acceptable, seen from variable Leadership Style
significant effect on job satisfaction (t-value = 7.71),organizational culture
variables significantly influence job satisfaction (t-value = 7:27),leadership style
variable significant effect on employee performance (t-value = 2.38),
organizational culture variables have a significant effect on employee
performance (t-value = 2.61),and job satisfaction variables have a significant
effect on employee performance (t-value = 7594).GFI value of 0.85 that goes into
the category of marginal fit and SRMR for 0038 in the category of marginal fit.
RMSEA value, NNFI, NFI, RFI, IFI and CFI all fit into the category of good fit
or marginal fit.So it can be concluded that the overall suitability of the model is
good enough. The conclusion of the analysis of direct and indirect influence,
that that influence job satisfaction is the leadership style. Where refer to the
table and the output value of the direct influence employee performance against
the leadership style of 0.0225, the indirect effect of leadership style on employee
performance at 0.1089,and the total impact amounted to 0.1314 or 13.14%.
Thus, we can conclude leadership style has a dominant influence on employee
performance, this shows that good leadership style that gives a sense of comfort
for employees to perform work activities, which in turn have a positive influence
on employee performance is achieved.
Keywords : SEM, Leadership style, organizational culture, job
satisfaction, employee performance.

Tahun : 2018 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Nasional Blm Akreditasi
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 1 / 6 / 2017
ISSN/ISBN : 2503-2798
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : MANAJEMEN
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