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Sata Yoshida Srie Rahayu, Sri Wiedarti , Rika Astria

Judul : Kelimpahan dan Keanekaragaman Plankton di Area Waduk Jangar Bobojong, Cianjur
Abstrak :

One of the high diversity of biota is the diversity of aquatic biota that very widespread in
Indonesia. Aquatic ecosystems is one of the aquatic resources that have versatile potential. One indicator
to determine the level of waters fertility is the amount of plankton abundance of both phytoplankton and
zooplankton. Research conducted by field survey methods that plankton sampling at three locations: edge
and middle of reservoir and Floating Net Cage (KJA). Plankton identification conducted at the Laboratory
of Biological Science Pakuan University. The analyzed parameters included biological parameters
(primary parameters) were index of abundance, diversity, dominance and eveness of species of plankton,
and chemical physics parameters (parameter support) is the brightness, the temperature of Dissolved
Oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), and CO
.The results of the three study sites, there
are different types of plankton are found in each study site were classified in four classes. The range of
biological index found was the diversity index (H ') = 2.806 - 6.668, dominance index (C) = 0.71 - 1.98
and eveness index (E) = 0.67 - 1.4. Physical parameter range were Chemical  waters  were pH of 7 - 7.5,
Brightness of 40-90 cm, water temperature of 28 -29 °C, CO
 of 15.2 - 2.2 ppm, DO of 7.3 - 9.74 ppm,
BOD of 2,55 – 4,4 ppm

Tahun : 2012 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi B
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 14 / 12 / 2012
ISSN/ISBN : 1858-3873
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : BIOLOGI
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