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Tri Saptari Haryani, Triastinurmiatiningsih, Bina Lohita Sari

Judul : Antioxidant Test Extract Of Padina australis And Acute Toxicity Effect on Mice (Mus muculus)
Abstrak :

Antioxidant Test Extract Of Padina australis And Acute Toxicity Effect

on Mice (Mus muculus)



Seaweed has polyphenol aggregates that provide antioxidant, one of which is Padina australis possesses antioxidant activity. These tests demonstrated to test the elevations of polyphenolic compounds that can measure out as antioxidants and analyze the component volume of extract of P. australis who have crucial toxic impacts on mice as experiment animal. Stages of evaluation include P.australis extraction by maceration method using ethanol 96%, therefore process assessment of overall polyphenol extracts of P. australis with Folin Ciocalteu and absorbance method involving UV-Vis spectrophotometer at an observation of 750 nm, examine the antioxidant activity using DPPH process ( 1.1diphenyl-2-picrihydration/DPPH) at an observation of 515 nm calculated on the base of the narrow regression equation and the method in IC50 (ppm). Measurement of vital toxicity of P. australis extract using Swiss Webster mice as an experiment animal for that activity, evaluation processes, defecation tests, and salivation tests. From result of study of comprehensive polyphenol content of extract result 69.16mg SAG/gram with absorbance rate analogous to 0.115. From evaluating the antioxidant activity observed by IC50 is 3265.64 ppm. From the results of crucial toxicity evaluation in mice as an experiment animal, at the highest dosage of 2000 mg / body weight, it can be stated that P.australis extract is not toxic.  


Keywords: Extract of Padina australis, antioxidant, acute toxicity effect

Tahun : 2017 Media Publikasi : Seminar Internasional
Kategori : Poster No/Vol/Tahun : - / - / 2017
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : BIOLOGI
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