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Judul : Initiating of the Principle of Harmony in Criminal Law at the Community Relating to the Culture of Punitive Action based on the Perspective of Pancasila Law Philosophy
Abstrak :

Keywords: Pancasila, Criminal Law, House of Detention, Netherlands.
Abstract: The culture of punishment in Indonesia is not only fertilized by law enforcers (Advocates-Investigators-
Prosecutors), but also in line with the culture of reporting criminally, even to minor cases. The logical
consequence of the adoption of the civil law system by Indonesia through the principle of concordance does
bring up a positivistic-linier-mechanistic-closed mindset. However, the surprising thing is that the Dutch who
are always blamed as the culprit of the nature of the criminal law, actually show remarkable legal
achievements. At the moment, all the Penal Institution and House of Detention in Indonesia are overcapacity,
in contrast to what is happening in the Netherlands. Where since 2004 until now has closed as many as 24
(twenty four) prisons. This is certainly quite surprising when compared between the Dutch who glorify the
principle of individualism with Indonesia that has a principle of kinship.

Tahun : 2017 Media Publikasi : Prosiding
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : - / - / 2017
ISSN/ISBN : ISBN: 978-989-758-331-5
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : ILMU HUKUM
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