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Novi Fajar Utami, Oom Komala, Eki Andaresta

Judul : Aktivitas Antibakteri Shigella dysentriae Dari Daun Jeruk bali (Citrus maxima) Berdasarkan perbedaan metode ekstraksi
Abstrak :

Pomelo leaves (Citrus maxima) contain secondary metabolites i.e. flavonoids and
saponins. Based on several studies, flavonoids and saponins can act as antibacterial.
Based on these indications, it is important to do research on the antibacterial potential
of pomelo leaf extract (Citrus maxima) against Shigella dysenteriae bacteria. This
study aims to determine the antibacterial activity of 96% ethanol extract of pomelo
leaves as a result of maceration and reflux methods to Shigella dysenteriae and
determine the total flavonoid content of 96% ethanol extract of pomelo leaves as a
result of maceration and reflux methods. This study was an experimental study by
determining the total flavonoid content of pomelo leaf extract and testing the
antibacterial activity of pomelo leaf extract resulting from maceration and reflux as
measured by the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Zone of Inhibition (ZOI)
against Shigella dysenteriae bacteria. The results of the study it was obtained 89.9 g of
reflux extract with a yield of 17.98±0.39% and maceration yield of 95.45 g with a yield of
19.09±0.49%. Flavonoid content of pomelo leaf extract from reflux was 1.49±0.01%
while maceration yield was 2.28±0.10%. Pomelo leaf extract from reflux and
maceration did not provide inhibition at concentrations of 5% to 30%, the results
showed that MIC from both extraction methods was at a concentration of 35%. The
highest ZOI was found in the 45% which was 10.92±0.08 mm on the results of the reflux
method and 9.15±0.03 mm on the results of the maceration method. The conclusion of
this study is that the extract from reflux results in greater ZOI and biggest of flavonoids
Keywords: Citrus maxima, flavonoids, maceration, reflux, Shigella dysenteriae

Tahun : 2019 Media Publikasi : Prosiding
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : 1 / 1 / 2019
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-71959-3-6
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : FARMASI
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