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Henny Suharyati*, Griet Helena Laihad

Judul : Model of School Principal Leadership Shaping Pedagogic Competence and Teacher Digital Literacy
Abstrak :

Abstract—Education in the 4.0 era required a principal's
leadership model that could encourage teachers to develop their
pedagogical and digital literacy potential. The study aims is to
find a model of leadership of principal that can provide
motivation to teachers to improve their pedagogical competencies
and make models of learning innovations to increase student
motivation so that they can produce quality graduates. The
population of the study was teachers in the area of Bogor and
Sukabumi Indonesia, while the samples were permanent teachers
who actively taught at the elementary and junior high school
level. The research method carried out was sequential
explanatory mixed-method conducted quantitative research. The
instruments used in the principal leadership model include
indicators of transformational and visionary leadership, and the
formation of innovative learning models. The result of the
research shows the identification of appropriate school principal
leadership such an ideal millennial leadership that turn of the
pedagogical competence of teachers in developing innovative
learning models. The implications of applying the millennial
leadership model in schools are expected to increase the potential
quality of teachers in teaching and learning.

Keywords: principal leadership model, pedagogic competence,
digital literacy

Tahun : 2019 Media Publikasi : Prosiding
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : - / 438 / 2019
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : ADMINISTRASI PENDIDIKAN
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