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Judul : Analysis of the family’s communication pattern and the benefits of mother school program for building a harmonious family
Abstrak :

Positive communication plays an important role in building a harmonious family.
The objectives of this research were to: 1) Identify the characteristics of Mother School
participants in 3 urban villages in Bogor; 2) Classifying family communication patterns
of participants in Mother Schools based on low, moderate, and high categories; and
3) Analyze the benefits of Mother School program. The study was conducted with
quantitative and qualitative approaches. The respondents were 84 people from the villages
of Ciluar, Ciparigi, and Kedung Halang. Quantitative data were processed descriptively
and analyzed using the Anova one way test. The qualitative data were obtained from
the writing of participants in Ciluar village as many as 30 people, and then analyzed to
find out the benefits of Mother School program. The results showed that the majority
(84.62%) of respondents stated strongly agree that family togetherness is everything and
71.79 percent felt very close to their husband and children. By region, the participants
of Mother School in Ciparigi village whose family communication was in high category
had the highest percentage (60.71%). Maternal education level is considered to be a key
factor in family communication in Ciparigi Mother School participants, better than 2
other villages. Qualitative analysis showed that participants feel the benefits of Mother
School which can increase knowledge and understanding of how to care their children
and build a harmonious family. This research is expected to be input for the Government
of Bogor to further improve the quality of family resources.

Tahun : 2020 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi B
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 1 / 50 / 2020
PTN/S : Stisipol Candradimuka Program Studi : ILMU KOMUNIKASI
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