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Judul : Refleksi Pembaca Suratkabar di Era Digital dan Tantangannya Bagi Industri Media Cetak
Abstrak :

Newspapers and magazines have to remain alert to developments in technology and new media are almost out of control again. Because for the print media industry, the most obvious threat is shifting consumption patterns for newspapers and magazines into online media. Tasks and challenges of the print media is expanding its presence into the realm of new media, while continuing to oversee the accuracy, credibility, and trust that has been the hallmark of the print media. This study used a qualitative approach and using descriptive methods. The results showed that the shifting trend in consuming mass media is due to the development of the mass media itself. The development of information and communication technologies had great influence on the mass media industry and audience. Some informants in this study remained consistent reading newspapers and magazines to obtain news or information, although online media is also still used as a reference support. Each of these media has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, a newspaper which is the traditional media that can provide a complete and in-depth information, but the drawback is it considered archaic because the media still print the form and size is large. While online media is a rapid mass media in conveying information, but does not have a comprehensive explanation in every content.

Keywords: digital era, the print media industry challenges

Tahun : 2015 Media Publikasi : Prosiding
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : 1 / 1 / 2015
ISSN/ISBN : ISBN: 978-602-96140-4-6
PTN/S : Universitas Bunda Mulia Program Studi : ILMU KOMUNIKASI
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