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Dessy Zerlina, Indarti Komala Dewi, Sutanto

Judul : Feasibility analysis of lake ex-andesite stone mining as geo-tourism area at Tegalega Village, Cigudeg, Bogor
Abstrak :

The existence of  large wallow which is an ex-mining of  andesite stone that is not manage properly became the focus of  this study. The objective of  this study was to analyse the potential of  geo-tourism object at the land of  ex-andesite stone mining (Setu Jayamix), as well as to find out the feasibility value of  geo-tourism object at the lake of  ex-andesite stone mining (Setu Jayamix). Mix methods, which is a combination of  qualitative and quantitative methods with the research design of  sequential exploratory was used in this study. Sequential exploratory design is a research model where the qualitative data is collected and analyzed, then followed by the collection and analysis of  quantitative data, which aims to strengthen the results of  the study. The results showed that the potentials of  geo-tourism in ex-andesite stone mining area i.e. lake waters, the uniqueness of  andesitic stone outcrops, and the view of  landscape that overgrown by various plantation crops. Based on the results of  the feasibility analyses of  geo-tourism, then obtained a feasible value for the geological criteria of  physical components (score = 26.334), sustainable for the economic components (score = 20.114), sustainable for the conservation components (score = 10.971), and educative (score = 8.518). Meanwhile, for the accessibility component is declared to be less feasible (score = 61.446)

Tahun : 2020 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Nasional Blm Akreditasi
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 1 / 1 / 2020
ISSN/ISBN : p 2722-0133 / e 2722-0141
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : PERENCANAAN WILAYAH & KOTA
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