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Sufrin Hannan, Budi Suharjo, Kirbrandoko, Rita Nurmalina

Judul : Model of Relationship Marketing on Professional Services: Empirical Study on Independent Surveyor Services Industry in Indonesia
Abstrak :

The service industry currently protected by the government to impose restrictions on the activities of foreign independent surveyor services companies to operate in Indonesia, planned in 2015 the government will open the widest possible market for foreign surveyor companies to operate in Indonesia so the inspection service be open to foreigners. Based on the background mentioned above, this journal is the beginning of a study that aims to understand the main factors that determine customer loyalty in the B2B professional service industries independent surveyor in Indonesian coal. This study will analyze the effect of service quality, customer value, expectation, satisfaction, trust, sharing information, relationship bond and customer characteristic of customer loyalty in the customer service industry in Indonesia independent surveyor. Scope of service activities, are independent surveyor on inspection services activity and the quantity and quality of coal are traded between sellers and buyers for export purposes. Research conducted on independent surveyor service users in particular Coal mining company as producer, exporters, traders and buyers. This study categorized as quantitative research conducted by a review of the literature, the concept of empirical research and understanding of the research object. Work plans and research processes arranged systematically, starting from literature, industry-review, interviews and ends with the formulation of the research results. SEM analysis aims to test and statistical models in the form of causal models. SEM analysis is based on the analysis Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), a method that combines the correlation analysis, regression analysis, path analysis and factor analysis.

Keywords: Relationship Marketing, Perceived Quality, Information Sharing, Trust, Switching Barriers, Relationship Bonds, Loyalty

Tahun : 2013 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Internasional
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 1 / 39 / 2013
ISSN/ISBN : 1450-2267
PTN/S : IPB University Program Studi : MANAJEMEN
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