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Rifki Risma Munandar

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Teachers have an important role in improving the quality of learning in the classroom, so that the material presented during the learning can be understood by the students. The purpose of this research is to analyze the cognitive load according to the socioeconomic conditions of the students on the classification of plants Spermatophyta using cooperative type two stay two stray and conventional learning. The research was conducted on one of the Bandung State Senior High School using quasy experimental method with posttest only control group design. The first class research subjects consisted of 33 students, using two stay two stray learning (TSTS), while the second class consisted of 34 students, using conventional learning strategy. The results showed 1). Judging from the extraneous cognitive load still high to gain reasoning ability in both classes, it shows that both classes have the same cognitive load. The socioeconomic state in the experimental class correlates with the ability to receive and process information, while the control class correlates with mental effort. These results indicate that in both classes still have a high cognitive load, so it is necessary development of learning strategies that can reduce cognitive load.

keyword: TSTS learning, cognitive, social, economic burden.

Tahun : 2018 Media Publikasi : jurnal nasional blm akreditasi
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 1 / 10 / 2018
ISSN/ISBN : 1693-5799
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : PENDIDIKAN BIOLOGI
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