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Johan Iskandar, Syahrudin Alrasyid, Eqi Nurhaqiqi, Fredi Andria, Eneng Tita Tosida

Judul : Optimisation of electronics and mechanics system of automatic egg incubator machine
Abstrak :

In this research report result of optimisation of the electronic and mechanical system of an automatic egg incubator machine. The design of mechanical systems using two types of motors are stepper (one motor) and servo (3 motors) with the aim to produce a smooth movement of egg shelves in the maximum load that can be accommodated. In the electronic system used the thermostat as the controller of speed rate or maximum hatch temperature limit, while to maintain the humidity in the incubator moisture sensor used dht22 which integrated with a microcontroller. Also, the heat source on the incubator used two air heaters with 220 V / 65 W specifications. From the results of electronic and mechanics analysis per average the electrical power spent every 6 hours is 0.78 kWh. From the results of the driving test using a stepper and servo, the driver moves more optimally using a servo motor at a maximum load of 315 eggs (9 kg)

Tahun : 2018 Media Publikasi : Seminar Internasional
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : 2019 / 621 / 2019
ISSN/ISBN : 1757-899X
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : TEKNIK KOMPUTER (D3)
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