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Eri Sarimanah, Atti Herawati

Judul : Lesson Study-based Learning Community Model of Junior High School Students in Reading Class
Abstrak :

This research is aimed at creating learning community model of low secondary students. The research was
taken place in Cigombong 1 Junior High School, Bogor in Indonesian language subject focusing on reading
class. It was conducted as an effort to create students’ reading habit and to develop a learning community
through a habit of communicating their understanding of the reading text. Through the implementation of
lesson study with plan, do, and see steps learning community model is wrapped in chapter design and lesson
design consisting of pre-reading, whilst-reading, and post-reading activity. In the learning activity learning
community model was implemented and developed. The research method used in this study is Research and
Development from Borg and Gall covering 10 steps: 1) collecting information from literature study and field
study, 2) planning, 3) developing the first product, 4) trying out #1, 5) revising the result of try out#1, 6) trying
out #2, 7) revising the product, 8) doing properness test, 9) revising the result of properness test, and 10)
implementing and disseminating. It was done to find out the effectiveness and efficient of the model. The
study shows that learning community model in lesson study-based reading class is needed by Junior High
School students. Structurally, this model is proper, relevant, and appropriate with the principles of learning
model development both in its substance and its model structure. Based on the properness test, learning
community model is effective to implant in Junior High School to develop students’ reading passion habit
and to communicate the reading text. Besides, students’ positive character can be achieved by implementing
learning community in learning activities. 

Tahun : 2018 Media Publikasi : Prosiding
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : - / - / 2018
ISSN/ISBN : 978-989-758-331-5
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