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Eri Sarimanah

Judul : Improving Lecturers’ Paedagogic Competence Through The Implementation Of Lesson Study In Faculty Of Teacher Training And Education Of Pakuan University, Indonesia
Abstrak :

This research is aimed at improving the lecturers of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Pakuan
University paedagogic competence through the implementation of lesson study which covers learning management
competence including developing chapter design and lesson design, media making, teaching and learning, evaluation, post
evaluation follow-up and learning supervision. This research involves four study program. The method used in this research
is qualitative descriptive. The data are collected through documentation, observation, interview and questionnaire. The data
are analyzed descriptively to investigate the improvement of the lecturers’ paedagogic competence in teaching through the
implementation of lesson study. Lesson study has been implemented for two years in Indonesian and Literature Education
Study Program, English Education Study Program, Biology Education Study Program, and Primary Education Study
Program. The findings show that there is an improvement of the lecturers paedagogic competence in developing chapter
design and lesson design, developing material and designing media for learning (plan stage); running the lesson (do stage);
and observing the lesson as well as evaluating and reflecting it (see stage). Besides, it is found the lecturers develop learning
innovation to create students’ active learning. The colleagality among the lecturers is also develop well through the
implementation of lesson study. The questionnaire result also shows that the implementation of lesson study can make the
student become autonomous learners.

Tahun : 2016 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Internasional
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 2 / 1 / 2016
ISSN/ISBN : 2477-5924
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