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Judul : Model Knowledge Management System (KMS) In the legal bureau of the Ministry PUPR Web Based
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E-Knowledge Management Application of Legal Affairs is one application of information technology in the field of law and governance. This application provides legal information that is the result of analysis of the various sources of law and related regulations. The link between a legal products with other products on a given topic has been presented completely and accurately through the system in this application making it easier for leaders to understand the existing laws. The approach taken in for construction of the system (portal) KM using a model system software design Waterfall consisting of  Requirements Definition, System and Software Design, Implementation and Unit Testing, Integration and System Testing, and Operation and Maintenance.

With the construction of the application of e-Knowledge Management Legal Affairs This has the benefit that terinventarisasinya legal products and common links are always up-to-date and accurate to support the needs of the activities in the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, can terkelolanya legal products, relation between laws and their application in various activities at the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, and the availability of facilities for the leadership to quickly see the products of existing law, the link between the laws and their application in various activities at the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing.


Keywords: Website, Knowledge Management System (KMS), Waterfall

Tahun : 2016 Media Publikasi : seminar internasional
Kategori : Prosiding No/Vol/Tahun : 2 / 2 / 2016
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-97669-1-1
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Bogor Program Studi : ILMU KOMPUTER
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