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Yan Noviar Nasution, Herdiyana Herdiyana

Abstrak :



This Research is entitled The Analysis of the Financial Performance Companies which Included in groupan index to LQ 45 And JII by using ROE and ROAat IndonesiaStock Exchange in the Year of 2010. As for target of this research to know the difference between the mean of Return Equity on ( ROE) and Return On Assets ( ROA)of the public companies is merged into go to group of LQ 45 which have large asset and LQ 45 which have small asset, of the public companies is merged into go to group of JII whichhave large asset and JII which have small asset, and of the public companies is merged into go to group of LQ 45 which have large asset and JII whichhave large asset and also of the public companies is merged into go to group of LQ 45 which have small asset and JII whichhave small asset and of the public companies is merged into go to group of LQ 45 which have large asset and JII whichhave smallasset and also of the public companies is merged into go to group of LQ 45 which have small asset and JII whichhave large asset .

The research method used is case study of the public companies which is merged into go to group of LQ 45 and JII ( Jakarta Islamic Index ) which are listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Analysis of the different test using the criteria of asset ownership, meaning the companies split in two groups of assets, the company went public that beraset beraset small and large. Where restrictions on the size of a company, obtained from the calculation of the average assets held by the sample firms went public in each group of assets While companies taken as sample is companies which enlist in two period of the announcement of Indonesia Stock Exchange or one fullyear of (2010) and data used in this research is data of secondary in Web IDX.

Based on the hypothesis test results concluded that there are significant differences between the ROA average of the public companies is merged into go to group of LQ 45 which have large asset withthe average ROA of the public companies is merged into go to group of JII whichhave large asset or which have small asset. As well as that there are significant difference between the average the ROA of the public companies is merged into go to group of JII whichhave large asset with the average the ROA of the public companies is merged into go to group of JII whichhave small asset.

While for the group of LQ45 indexthere is no significant difference between the ROA average of the public companies is merged into go to group of LQ 45 which have large asset with the ROA average of the public companies is merged into go to group of LQ 45 which have small asset. Meanwhile, for the ROE average in general there is no significant difference between of the public companies is merged into go to group of LQ 45orthe group ofJII, except between the ROE average of the public companies is merged into go to group of LQ 45 which have large asset withthe average ROE of the public companies is merged into go to group of JII whichhave large asset.

Tahun : 2011 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Nasional Blm Akreditasi
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 2 / 3 / 2011
ISSN/ISBN : 2502-1400
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : AKUNTANSI
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Penelitian Sebelumnya


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