Abstrak |
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Technological developments relating to Broadcasting have been progressing very rapidly. That is the workings, systems, and devices in the broadcasting system contained in radio stations and television stations, as well as the receiver's development can also receive from the broadcasting station broadcasters. The workings of systems and devices that are commonly used systems of radio and television broadcasting stations are commonly operated by operators in order to broadcast to listeners or spectator viewers broadcasting stations.
Keywords: Broadcasting system, radio station, television station
Bibliography |
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Simon, Haykin (1989), An Introduction to Analog & Digital Communication, NewYork :John Wiley & Sons.
Suhana, Shoji, Shigeki, (1981), Buku Pegangan Teknik Telekomunikasi, Jakarta : PTPradyaParamitra.
Grob, Benard (1984), Basic Television and Video System: Principles and Servicing,New York : Mc Graw Hill. Coolen,John(1984),ElectronicCommunicatio n,Ontario:Lakehead Univesity ThurderBay. Indra Wibawa, (2011) Modul Dasar Produksi Televisi,Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi,UMB :Pusat Pengembangan Bahan Ajar.