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Sri Setyaningsih, Muhamad Saad Nurul Ishlah, Soewarto Hardhienata

Judul : Optimization of Enhancement of Lecturer Professional Commitment using Path Analysis and Sitorem Method
Abstrak :

The professional commitment of lecturers is an important element in the achievement of educational goals in universities, but from the initial survey at Pakuan University, it was shown that the current situation is still not as expected. Therefore, Professional commitment of lecturers is interesting to be studied. Based on the above background, the purpose of this research is to seek efforts to increase the professional commitment of lectures through the development of empowerment and trust. The study was conducted using path analysis method to determine whether other variables, namely empowerment, and trust, had a positive effect on the professional commitment of lectures. The population in this research is a permanent lecturer at Pakuan University with functional position of Asisten Ahli up to Lektor Kepala amounting to 337 people with sample determined from population randomly amounted to 135 people. To obtain optimal results in an effort to increase the professional commitment of lecturers used Sitorem Method. The results showed that : (a) there is a positive direct influence of empowerment to organizational commitment, (b) there is a positive direct effect of empowerment to organizational commitment, (c) there is a direct positive influence of trust on organizational commitment. From Sitorem's analysis it is concluded that there is a preserved indicator, i.e. open communication, readiness to accept occupation risks, sooth, and improvement desire, and indicators that need to be improved in order of priority of treatment is as follows: 1. authority, 2. discretion, 3. creativity and innovation, 4. confidence in ability and strength, 5. openness, 6. partnership strength, 7. awareness, 8. dedication and devotion, 9. consistency, 10. skills development.

Tahun : 2019 Media Publikasi : Jurnal Internasional
Kategori : Jurnal No/Vol/Tahun : 5-10 / 8 / 2019
ISSN/ISBN : 2277-3878
PTN/S : Universitas Pakuan Program Studi : ILMU KOMPUTER
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